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What is AdBlue?

Adblue is a registered trademark known as Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) – a commonly used solution in modern diesel vehicles. AdBlue helps in reducing trucks’ nitrogen emissions.

With the rising popularity of European vehicles being imported, the rise in the need for AdBlue is also common.

AdBlue Spill Kits: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Most of the servicing stations and trucking deports have AdBlue equipment and tanks available onsite. Automatically, with that comes the need for an AdBlue spill kit in case of an emergency such as spills, drips and leaks.

The spillage of AdBlue can be hazardous or catastrophic for the environment. Whether the surface or groundwater, the urea solution is extremely harmful. In such cases, emergency AdBlue spill kits are handy; they can be used in outdoor storage areas and onsite industrial accidents.

What Comes with the AdBlue Spill Kit?

  • All AdBlue Spill Control kits come in a blue clip-close or zip-close, so that anyone can use them easily.
  • They also contain GP socks,
  • GP double-weight pads,
  • Disposable bags and ties to handle diesel spills successfully.

What to Do if You Spill Adblue?

If it’s a small spill, it can be easily wiped out by the water, mopping it, or flushing down a drain. However, if there is a larger spill, it must be appropriately handled by an AdBlue spill kit or sand.

Though one does not require special equipment to clean the spill, yet be careful that it can cause tough stains on clothes.

How to Avoid and Effectively Deal with the Spills

Following are a few tips to deal with spills and control one if it takes place. Ensure that:

  • Your equipment, including your pipes, containers, and other components, is suitable for usage with AdBlue.
  • You have an additional containment for the AdBlue.
  • All water drainage is separate from dispensing drainage area.
  • Make sure your trigger nozzle cannot be left in the open position if you use one to dispense your AdBlue.
  • Ensure you have the right emergency supplies to handle large and small spills. For expamle, you could use the AdBlue spill kit, drain mats, pipe blocker or permanent valve to handle or contain spills.
  • Ensure you have trained and professional workers to handle spills or other accidents.
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